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Who are we ?

The MJE VITAE is a team of young expertes carried out within the framework of our Master's degree at ISTOM, an engineering school in international agro-development. We are a group of 9 students, proposing a study of the impact of anthropic activity on the aquatic and terrestrial environment. This professional expertise fixed in collaboration with a sponsor and the ISTOM constitutes a long-term

project with a preparation of 16 months followed by a realization of the project of 1 to 2 months in

countries of the South or in tropical zones.

Qui sommes nous ?: À propos de nous

Our strengths


Being a team of nine, this allows us to divide up the work and have a wide range of action

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Our group effect keeps us motivated, efficient and brings a real emulation in our research.



Thanks to our different backgrounds and personalities, we are able to exchange our points of view and thus respond to the issues raised.



Thanks to our diverse backgrounds and training, we are currently able to speak French, English, Spanish, Arabic, German and Creole.

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